Robert Pace

Senior Solutions Strategist

Robert Pace
Robert works with clients on LDI and broader solutions-based investment strategy. His three Rs are rates, regulation and arithmetic (showing a maths degree lives on forever). When Robert is not pondering LDI or investment strategy and talking to clients, he can often be found cycling in the Surrey Hills or watching hours of cycling coverage on Eurosport (at 30x speed in order to prolong his marriage).

Other articles by Robert Pace

LDI chart update: Where next for credit spreads?
Markets and economics

LDI chart update: Where next for credit spreads?

With little sign of tight spreads abating, a series of questions from investors remain: How long...
By Giles RobinsonRobert Pace
24 Jul 2024
3 min read
LDI chart update: Value is in the eye of the bondholder
Robert Pace
Markets and economics

LDI chart update: Value is in the eye of the bondholder

Although headline real yields trade around 1.5%, average forward real yields post-RPI reform (aft...
By Robert Pace
13 May 2024
2 min read
Investing for the endgame at low spreads
Investment strategy

Investing for the endgame at low spreads

As credit spreads have tightened, what could this mean for endgame investors' investment...
By John SouthallRobert Pace
08 May 2024
5 min read
LGPS Intelligence: Options for mitigating equity risk
Investment strategy

LGPS Intelligence: Options for mitigating equity risk

With LGPS funding levels much improved and US equities near all-time highs, what options do LGPS...
By James SparshottRobert Pace
13 Mar 2024
1 min read
LDI chart update: Is the price now right?
Robert Pace
Markets and economics

LDI chart update: Is the price now right?

The spread of gilts over swaps rose steadily over 2023, as the market made room for supply. The...
By Robert Pace
29 Feb 2024
3 min read
Assessing the impact of lower life expectancy
Investment strategy

Assessing the impact of lower life expectancy

With many pension funds likely to adopt new longevity assumptions over the coming months, what ar...
By John SouthallRobert Pace
05 Feb 2024
3 min read
What lies ahead for DB schemes?
Investment strategy

What lies ahead for DB schemes?

In this outlook we set out key themes for the year ahead, including renewed focus on credit...
By Guy Whitby-SmithRobert Pace
10 Jan 2024
3 min read
Rethinking collateral: a role for corporate bonds?
Investment strategy

Rethinking collateral: a role for corporate bonds?

Recent market and regulatory developments have resulted in significantly higher collateral headro...
By Robert PaceAnne-Marie Morris (née Cunnold)
12 Dec 2023
3 min read
LDI chart update: What’s been driving the recent fall in yields?
Markets and economics

LDI chart update: What’s been driving the recent fall in yields?

November was an eventful month in LDI markets, with a reversal in the one-way traffic of rising...
By Robert PaceAnne-Marie Morris (née Cunnold)
11 Dec 2023
3 min read

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