James Sparshott

Head of Strategic Client Team, Distribution

James Sparshott

James is Head of the Strategic Client team at LGIM. This team looks after the evolving needs of LGIM’s largest UK clients. In addition to this, James also acts as Client Director to a number of strategic UK DB and Local Government Pension Scheme clients. James joined LGIM in 2004 from Deutsche Asset Management where he was a client account manager in the Global Equity team. He holds the Investment Management Certificate.

Other articles by James Sparshott

LGPS intelligence: Delivering financial and social value through affordable housing
Investment strategy

LGPS intelligence: Delivering financial and social value through affordable housing

With supply constrained and the demand for affordable accommodation looking set to remain robust,...
By James SparshottMichael Adefuye
22 Jul 2024
1 min read
LGPS Intelligence: Options for mitigating equity risk
Investment strategy

LGPS Intelligence: Options for mitigating equity risk

With LGPS funding levels much improved and US equities near all-time highs, what options do LGPS...
By James SparshottRobert Pace
13 Mar 2024
1 min read

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