Jonathan Leclercq

Research Analyst

Jonathan Leclercq

Jonathan is a research analyst in LGIM's Real Assets division. He joined in January 2022 from Bloomberg where he worked as an account manager and on the equities desk within their analytics department. Jonathan holds a degree in Economics & Finance from the University of Surrey, on weekends he can be found playing football in East London or sampling one of London’s food markets.

Other articles by Jonathan Leclercq

Assessing risk and reward – The REIT blend in real estate
Investment strategy

Assessing risk and reward – The REIT blend in real estate

We analyse the impact on returns and volatility that comes from including an allocation to global...
By Bill PageJonathan Leclercq
01 Dec 2023
5 min read
A rising tide? An update on onshoring
Investment strategy

A rising tide? An update on onshoring

We examine the potential drivers of onshoring and its implications for the UK real estate equity...
By Bill PageJonathan Leclercq
05 May 2023
4 min read

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