Yasmine Svan

Sustainability Analyst

Yasmine Svan
Yasmine is a sustainability analyst, helping to integrate ESG into LGIM’s investment processes, and is focused on the firm’s corporate climate change engagements.

Other articles by Yasmine Svan

The state of the consumer (part 4): supply chains
ESG and long-term themes

The state of the consumer (part 4): supply chains

The fourth instalment of our deep dive on the consumer focuses on supply chains - their impact on...
By Matthew CourtnellYasmine Svan
22 Mar 2022
5 min read
Engagement in practice: sustainable food for thought
Yasmine Svan
ESG and long-term themes

Engagement in practice: sustainable food for thought

Decarbonisation isn’t just about oil and coal, so we engage governments and businesses across the...
By Yasmine Svan
29 Mar 2021
3 min read
Climate Impact Pledge
Yasmine Svan
ESG and long-term themes

Climate Impact Pledge

We have made our engagement with companies critical to the energy transition deeper and wider, to...
By Yasmine Svan
14 Oct 2020
4 min read
Land use: the other piece of the decarbonisation puzzle
Yasmine Svan
ESG and long-term themes

Land use: the other piece of the decarbonisation puzzle

Agriculture, forestry, and other land use account for almost a quarter of all human-caused...
By Yasmine Svan
24 Feb 2020
4 min read
The end of the road for coal?
Yasmine Svan
ESG and long-term themes

The end of the road for coal?

The use of coal in the UK is now at its lowest level in over a century, but other countries are n...
By Yasmine Svan
13 Nov 2018
3 min read

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