Karoline Herms

Senior Global ESG Manager , Investment Stewardship

Karoline Herms

Karoline is part of LGIM's Investment Stewardship team as sector lead for the Financials industry, as well as sharing specialist responsibility for LGIM’s responses to company engagement request on executive pay proposals. Karoline joined LGIM in 2020 from Boudicca, a specialist proxy solicitation and corporate governance advisory firm, where she was Senior Corporate Governance Consultant advising both investors and corporates on best practice, shareholder voting and engagement during her four-year stay. Prior to that, she managed UK research teams at the Investment Association and Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), involved in the analysis and engagement on company proposals in the areas of director elections, pay, M&A and activism, and company legislation. Karoline holds a degree in Business Studies and an MA in Corporate Governance, as well as having graduated with ICSA.

Other articles by Karoline Herms

The big vote question this proxy season: shareholder resolutions on climate
ESG and long-term themes

The big vote question this proxy season: shareholder resolutions on climate

In this blog, we set out our approach to voting on climate-related shareholder resolutions, and...
By Jeannette AndrewsKaroline HermsDror Elkayam
20 Jun 2023
4 min read

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