Veronica Humble

Head of DC Investment Strategy

Veronica Humble
Veronica is responsible for LGIM’s Defined Contributions research and development. She's interested in all aspects of DC and retirement investment strategy and decision-making. She also spends a lot of time looking at long-term demographic trends and what they mean for our clients. Veronica has an MSc in mathematics and a PhD in statistics.

Other articles by Veronica Humble

Should investing be more emotionally driven?
Veronica Humble
Investment strategy

Should investing be more emotionally driven?

Emotions are important and they are particularly powerful with millennial consumers. Frequently...
By Veronica Humble
20 Dec 2019
2 min read
Short of DC dough?
Veronica Humble
Investment strategy

Short of DC dough?

We constantly hear that the UK population is not saving enough for retirement, but is this true f...
By Veronica Humble
10 Oct 2018
3 min read
Challenging retirement stereotypes
Veronica Humble
Investment strategy

Challenging retirement stereotypes

We all know that retirement is changing, but how?
By Veronica Humble
06 Sep 2018
4 min read
Are annuities making a comeback?
Veronica Humble
Investment strategy

Are annuities making a comeback?

Although sudden jumps in popularity are unlikely, we anticipate the tide turning and the sales of...
By Veronica Humble
16 Jul 2018
3 min read
Do people spend their retirement savings too quickly?
Veronica Humble
Investment strategy

Do people spend their retirement savings too quickly?

Some in the financial industry worry that as a result of the government's introduction of 'pensio...
By Veronica Humble
10 Jul 2018
4 min read
How much investment risk should young DC savers take?
Investment strategy

How much investment risk should young DC savers take?

It’s a standard financial rule of thumb that younger investors should invest in equities and then...
By Veronica HumbleJohn Southall
14 Jun 2018
3 min read
Is the UK’s pension the worst in the developed world?
Veronica Humble
Investment strategy

Is the UK’s pension the worst in the developed world?

The UK state pension has long been the subject of some derision in the media. But is it really as...
By Veronica Humble
30 Apr 2018
3 min read

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