Charlie Miller

Climate Strategist , Climate / Investments

Charlie Miller

Charlie is responsible for integrating climate analysis into LGIM's investment process through metrics and research. Charlie joined LGIM in 2021 having previously worked in Legal &General Retirement as an investment analyst where he delivered projects on ESG integration in the annuity portfolio and gained experience in the TCFD reporting process. He began his career at Mercer specialising in insurance investment. Charlie graduated with an MSc in Earth Sciences from University of Oxford in 2015.

Other articles by Charlie Miller

Scope 3: Omission impossible
ESG and long-term themes

Scope 3: Omission impossible

Measuring decarbonisation throughout the economy requires a logical and systematic approach....
By Nick StansburyToby MacKeanCharlie Miller
24 Apr 2023
3 min read
Hydrogen economy: widespread adoption or niche solution?
ESG and long-term themes

Hydrogen economy: widespread adoption or niche solution?

In the second of a two-part blog on the hydrogen economy, we look at the economics of hydrogen us...
By John DalyCharlie Miller
09 Aug 2022
3 min read
Hydrogen: preferred pathway or just hot air?
ESG and long-term themes

Hydrogen: preferred pathway or just hot air?

In the first of a two-part blog on the hydrogen economy, we look at the economics of production,...
By John DalyCharlie Miller
05 Aug 2022
3 min read
Climate change mitigation: plugging investment and engagement gaps
ESG and long-term themes

Climate change mitigation: plugging investment and engagement gaps

Amid the familiar warnings in the IPCC report that annual investment in the energy transition is...
By Charlie MillerLewis Ashworth
11 Apr 2022
5 min read

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