Wei Yang

Index Specialist and Index Strategist

Wei Yang
Wei is the Index Investment Specialist working on index research and development and on creating index solutions for investors. Wei has a CV that ranges across several different areas of the financial markets, including roles in Investment Advisory at Barclays Wealth and Solution Consulting at Moody’s Analytics. Outside work, he is developing a keen interest in African adventures and is a devoted Bon Jovi fan.

Other articles by Wei Yang

The ESG story: Icarus or Cinderella?
ESG and long-term themes

The ESG story: Icarus or Cinderella?

Purely as a matter of financial theory, high demand for highly rated ESG stocks should depress th...
By Fadi ZaherWei Yang
07 Jul 2020
2 min read
How China is testing Trump’s claim to be a ‘great negotiator’
Wei Yang

How China is testing Trump’s claim to be a ‘great negotiator’

Trying to understand the trade war from China’s perspective, I am reminded of an ancient story...
By Wei Yang
06 Dec 2019
3 min read
The expected winners of the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup
ESG and long-term themes

The expected winners of the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup

The 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup has garnered much attention. But can we use economic factors to...
By Fadi ZaherClare PaynWei Yang
19 Jun 2019
4 min read

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