Tim Armitage

Quantitative Strategist

Tim Armitage
Tim is a former musician reincarnated as a quantitative strategist, and subsequently spends more time writing code than songs these days. When not thinking about swaption strategies and risk indicators, you’ll find him running marathons, and secretly hoping there’s a day his three sons form a band that becomes the next Kings of Leon.

Other articles by Tim Armitage

CAMERA: our capital market assumptions update
Tim Armitage
Markets and economics

CAMERA: our capital market assumptions update

Over the past quarter, valuation-based return estimates for most broad equity markets as well as...
By Tim Armitage
30 May 2024
1 min read
Introducing our capital market assumptions framework
Investment strategy

Introducing our capital market assumptions framework

Photographs are a wonderful way of preserving the past, allowing us to delve into our memories to...
By Tim ArmitageMartin Dietz
04 Mar 2024
3 min read
Diversification: Looking back, to move forwards
Investment strategy

Diversification: Looking back, to move forwards

Bonds and equities are moving in different directions again. But can this negative correlation...
By Chris FranklinTim Armitage
04 May 2023
5 min read
Earnings season outlook: what the first reports are telling us
Markets and economics

Earnings season outlook: what the first reports are telling us

Early indications point to cautious guidance amid the macroeconomic uncertainty, but no big...
By Tim ArmitagePatrick Greene
18 Jul 2022
3 min read
Data Minecraft
Tim Armitage
Investment strategy

Data Minecraft

In this instalment of our series on alternative risk premia, we look at data mining and what it...
By Tim Armitage
17 Jun 2021
4 min read
The VIX and the vax
Tim Armitage
Investment strategy

The VIX and the vax

The calm inspired by progress towards a COVID-19 vaccine is certainly good news, but history...
By Tim Armitage
07 Dec 2020
3 min read
Factor checking the market
Tim Armitage
Investment strategy

Factor checking the market

We look at how the technology sector is affecting the performance of factor portfolios.  
By Tim Armitage
06 Oct 2020
3 min read
Who wants credit after the rally?
Tim Armitage
Fixed income

Who wants credit after the rally?

The rally in US corporate bonds presents an interesting trade for investors wary of elevated...
By Tim Armitage
24 Jul 2020
3 min read
When risk is literally ‘off the charts’
Tim Armitage
Investment strategy

When risk is literally ‘off the charts’

A look at what our ‘Turbulence In Markets’ monitor is telling us  
By Tim Armitage
21 May 2020
3 min read

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