Currency (42)

Attention deficit
Markets and economics

Attention deficit

Should we be worried about government borrowing?

By Ben Bennett

02 Jul 2024

2 min read

What's going on with the Norwegian krone?
Willem Klijnstra

What's going on with the Norwegian krone?

Moves in the Norwegian currency's value provide a timely reminder that traditional credit analysi...
By Willem Klijnstra
11 May 2023
2 min read
Quality Street: A tale of two currencies
Christopher Teschmacher

Quality Street: A tale of two currencies

If buying high-quality assets was all you needed to do to deliver attractive returns, investing...
By Christopher Teschmacher
02 Feb 2023
3 min read
Is King Dollar’s reign at an end?
Willem Klijnstra
Markets and economics

Is King Dollar’s reign at an end?

Probably, but the more important question is whether a weaker dollar has already been priced in b...
By Willem Klijnstra
19 Jan 2023
2 min read
What forex markets can teach us about unstable stablecoins
Markets and economics

What forex markets can teach us about unstable stablecoins

Just as with older pegged currencies, stablecoins that lack a credible and transparent...

By Christopher Jeffery

20 May 2022

4 min read

Geopolitical rupture in Europe: long-term investment implications
Sonja Laud
ESG and long-term themes

Geopolitical rupture in Europe: long-term investment implications

We need to remain humble and nimble as we assess the changing investment landscape and seek to...
By Sonja Laud
19 May 2022
3 min read
Allocations for inflation (part 4): the FX of inflation
Willem Klijnstra

Allocations for inflation (part 4): the FX of inflation

In the fourth part of our series exploring the asset-allocation response to inflation, we look at...
By Willem Klijnstra
30 Mar 2022
4 min read
A weaponised currency
Willem Klijnstra

A weaponised currency

Have sanctions actually put the US dollar's global pre-eminence at risk?
By Willem Klijnstra
28 Mar 2022
3 min read