Central banks (191)

Podcast: US elections, equity rotation, and a major celebration – Market Talk
Markets and economics

Podcast: US elections, equity rotation, and a major celebration – Market Talk

How should investors interpret the latest twists and turns in the race for the White House? And...


25 Jul 2024

1 min read

What if everything goes right?
Investment strategy

What if everything goes right?

While equities have headroom in a benign environment, we now see credit as unfavourably...
By Emiel van den HeiligenbergTim Drayson
15 Jul 2024
3 min read
Deglobalisation is just getting started
Tim Drayson
Markets and economics

Deglobalisation is just getting started

The US has pivoted towards protectionism and industrial intervention. The presidential election...
By Tim Drayson
08 Jul 2024
3 min read
Podcast: Elections, Nvidia and ballooning deficits – Market Talk
Markets and economics

Podcast: Elections, Nvidia and ballooning deficits – Market Talk

Ben Bennett tackles three big questions for investors in today.
27 Jun 2024
1 min read
Podcast: Fixed income in focus – halfway there
Investment strategy

Podcast: Fixed income in focus – halfway there

As bond investors look towards the second half of 2024, we hear from Colin Reedie, Head of Active...

By LGIMActive Fixed Income

14 Jun 2024

1 min read

Podcast: Indian elections, Chinese bonds and US payrolls – Market Talk
Markets and economics

Podcast: Indian elections, Chinese bonds and US payrolls – Market Talk

Where next for investors in light of the Indian election result? And are Chinese bond yields...
06 Jun 2024
1 min read
Uncertainty abounds
Markets and economics

Uncertainty abounds

With geopolitical tension rising, we consider a fundamental choice confronting investors, and wha...
By Tim DraysonChristopher TeschmacherChristopher Jeffery
28 May 2024
6 min read
Why a change in tone from the Politburo makes us more constructive on China
Erik Lueth
Markets and economics

Why a change in tone from the Politburo makes us more constructive on China

A change in tone in the recent Politburo meeting and policy measures announced over the past few...
By Erik Lueth
13 May 2024
2 min read