Disclaimer: Views in this blog do not promote, and are not directly connected to any Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM) product or service. Views are from a range of LGIM investment professionals and do not necessarily reflect the views of LGIM. For investment professionals only.

18 Oct 2024

Podcast: What does ‘climate action investing’ actually mean?

The goal is to allocate more capital to the business opportunities the transition creates, while simultaneously driving down emissions over time.


Traditionally, investors and companies have asked the question: “How should an investor balance a focus on reducing their climate impact with a desire for financial returns?” However, it is our firm belief that we could be asking a different, more positive question: “How can these opportunities and risks be addressed simultaneously?”

In our latest Climate Solutions podcast we delve into the detail of climate action investing. Why do we see the need for a more active approach? What’s a method investors can employ to seek to reduce emissions and target returns simultaneously? And practically speaking, how do we believe value can be unlocked from the energy transition?

Our Head of Climate Solutions, Nick Stansbury and Robert White, our Head of Active Equities, explain all.

You can listen to the podcast on: Apple Podcasts, Audioboom and Spotify.

To discover more about climate action investing, please read our latest whitepaper Climate change: Inaction is not an option

For professional investors only. Capital at risk.

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Nick Stansbury

Head of Climate Solutions

Nick is the Head of Climate Solutions at LGIM. Previously, he was Head of Commodity Research. Nick joined in 2013 as a Fund Manager in…

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Robert White

Fund Manager, Active Equities

Robert is a Fund Manager in the Global Equities team. Prior to this he was an Assistant Fund Manager at Mirabaud Asset Management and before…

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